Rethinking Your Customer Experience Strategy
On January 27, 2022, as part of the webinar series organized in partnership with Airports Council International – Latin America and Caribbean (ACI-LAC), members of our Customer Experience (CX) team – Dave Scurlock, and Jordan Young – shared our latest insights on how airports can increase non-aeronautical revenue opportunities by leveraging on the principles of tourism destination development, and supported by the latest CX research and data science currently applied in the global retail industry.
Confronted with a difficult recovery, and despite the proliferation of biosecurity measures and protocols, our latest research concludes that airports around the world can effectively realize experiential, reputational, and financial benefits from approaching the airport environment as a total destination experience and not merely as visitor processing centre.
These are some of the recommendations provided by our team during the webinar:
- Any review or update to your current CX strategy should align physical and digital considerations, and blend the real and virtual environments.
- Diversification of airport revenues through continuous engagement with customers in the language of CX is critical to unlock added spend.
- Know your customer and understand technology-adoption trends in your region. This will help you script customer engagements, leverage specific touchpoints, and develop your “airport as destination” identity.
- A comprehensive plan to position your airport as a destination should focus on key elements such as identity development, benchmarks, customer journey mapping, providing a roadmap for terminal facilities improvements.
In his introductory remarks, Paul Clark, Vice President, highlighted the long-time and fruitful partnership between InterVISTAS and ACI on a variety of fronts, including the development of the first global customer experience benchmarking survey that established the basis for the current ACI Airport Service Quality (ASQ), as well as our most recent involvement in the ACI Global Traveller Survey launched at the 31st ACI World Annual General Assembly (WAGA) held in Cancún, Mexico, in November 2021.
Special offer for Latin American and Caribbean Airports members of ACI-LAC.
We can organize a complimentary “CX airport as destination” self-assessment session for your team. For further details, please contact Marcelo Garcia, Senior Director and Latin America Regional Lead, at: marcelo.garcia@intervistas.com.
Engage with our Customer Experience (CX) team
For CX digital strategy, planning and implementation:
Dave Scurlock, Vice President & Senior Architect, at dave.scurlock@intervistas.com
For airports as destinations strategy, planning and deployment:
Jordan Young, Manager, at jordan.young@intervistas.com
For Board-level strategic planning, customer experience benchmarking:
Paul Clark, Vice President, at paul.clark@intervistas.com
We can serve our clients in English, Spanish, and French.
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