Tourism Kamloops Five-Year Strategic Plan

Project Brief
In May of 2016, Tourism Kamloops hired InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. to facilitate the creation of a new five-year strategic plan under the direction of their new CEO. Prior to the retreat, the strategic planning team conducted an extensive stakeholder consultation process. A key aspect of the process was to conduct one-on-one interviews and focus groups with local stakeholders who will be instrumental in helping realize the vision of Tourism Kamloops.
- Conducted a series of one-on-one interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders
- Reviewed key background documents and visitor statistics
- Developed a customized DestinationNEXT online self-assessment which was distributed to over 150 stakeholders
- Facilitated a one-day Board strategic planning retreat
- Worked collaboratively with the Board of Directors and Senior management team to refine the core elements of the plan
In October of 2016, the Tourism Kamloops Board of Directors ratified the 2017 – 2022 Strategic Plan. The Plan includes numerous themes around innovation, sustainability, branding, community relationships, and the overall visitor experience.
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